Thursday, April 26, 2018

How To Make Glowing Water │Water Radium

 How To Make Glowing Water │Water Radium

You can make glow­ing liq­uid from in­gre­di­ents that ev­ery­one will find at home

Pre­pare salt, vine­gar, hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide, fizzy wa­ter. You can make glow­ing wa­ter from these in­gre­di­ents in 15 min­utes. It’s a sim­ple process that doesn’t re­quire spe­cial ef­forts. We’ll look at the or­der of ac­tions in de­tail.
  1. Take a plas­tic bot­tle filled with 0.5 l of fizzy wa­ter.
  2. Add two to three spoon­fuls of ta­ble vine­gar to the bot­tle of wa­ter.
  3. Add three tea­spoons of 3% hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide.
  4. Put a lid on the bot­tle and thor­ough­ly mix the con­tents. This process will take at least 15 min­utes.
  5. Open the bot­tle and pour the re­sult­ing liq­uid into a glass jar, and it will start to glow.

Another Meathod

To make blue glow­ing liq­uid, you’ll need:
• hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide (80 ml);
• lu­mi­nol (2 g);
• cop­per sul­fate (3 g);
• sodi­um hy­drox­ide so­lu­tion (10 ml);
• wa­ter (one cup);
• flu­o­res­cent col­or­ing – or­di­nary “bril­liant green” will do;
• a glass or plas­tic bot­tle.
Add all the in­gre­di­ents apart from the lu­mi­nol to the bot­tle of wa­ter and shake thor­ough­ly. To the re­sult­ing com­pound, add lu­mi­nol and watch as the liq­uid in the bot­tle be­gins to glow blue in the re­ac­tion process

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